Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Goodbye Hong Kong. Hellooo Korea.

At the airport. Thirty minutes until board-time. Listening to Dvorak's New World Symphony.

It's all rather dramatic isn't it?

True to my student-life's creed: I left everything for this morning: packing, finishing my paper, cleaning, final paperwork and last-minute goodbyes.

Yes, it was bittersweet, but I'm fairly certain I will see Hong Kong again. I had all these thoughts and grand announcements on the taxi ride to the airport. I was going to make a farewell post that was worthy of my experiences this semester. The time has passed. My words and clever phrases are gone, and I'm left with scattered thoughts. And all of you get the privilege of reading my rambles.

One piece of advice: travel. I use it as a verb. Go and travel. See the world and learn. You'll probably find out that you knew far less about life than you presumed you did.

For the students out there: study abroad. It might be the most rewarding experience you can allow yourself. Stop making excuses and just do it.

Anyway, I shall cease this foolish prattling and conclude this post with:

KOREA. Here I come. I can't ever resist sharing an interesting internet tid-bit:

For you holiday shoppers out there, here's PriceAdvance to make your holiday woes a little less woe-like.

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